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Analyze Pre-Retirement IRA Distribution Options With Our 72t Calculator

72(t) early distribution analysis

The 72(t) Early Distribution Illustration helps you explore your options for taking IRA distributions before you reach 59½ without incurring the IRS 10% early distribution penalty. Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 72(t)(2)(A)(iv) defines these distributions as "Substantially Equal Periodic Payments". The IRS has approved three ways to calculate your distribution amount: annuitization, amortization and required minimum distribution.

You may choose any of the three methods on which to base your distribution amount. To avoid the 10% penalty once you begin distributions, you must continue to take the required distribution using the same method, at least annually, for the longer of five years, or until age 59½. Once distributions begin, if the series of payments is modified in any way, the 10% early distribution penalty will be imposed retroactively beginning with the first year of distribution. Exception: The five-year rule is waived upon death or disability of the IRA owner. It is also waived for IRA owners who make a one-time change from the amortization or annuitization methods to the required minimum distribution method.

For purposes of this analysis, the distribution amounts are shown as annual figures. However, you may choose to make withdrawals monthly, quarterly or semi-annually.

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